Source: ls [edit]
Command List
Module: global | ||
a9(term) | [source/edit] | Return list of links from a9 search results |
a9storefront(addr) | [source/edit] | Produces an image of the storefront, given an address |
acronym(atf) | [source/edit] | Looks up definitions for acronyms |
acronymRender(data) | [source/edit] | Render function for acronym |
activeUsageGraph() | [source/edit/go] | Sample usage log for Active |
aliasScraper() | [source/edit/go] | |
answers(search) | [source/edit] | Calls with the search term |
azn(searchTerm) | [source/edit] | Search for searchTerm |
bacon(actor) | [source/edit] | Finds the bacon number of an actor and a list of bacon connections. Returns as XML |
bingAnswers(query) | [source/edit] | Returns answers matching query |
bingImageSearch(query) | [source/edit] | Find links to webpages matching 'query' |
bingWebCount(query) | [source/edit] | Find number of webpages matching 'query'. If pass an optional argument, will quote string. |
bingWebSearch(query) | [source/edit] | Find links to webpages matching 'query' |
bookmarksToXML(tag,user) | [source/edit] | Converts all bookmarks for a user to an XML format, as defined by ( |
cacheGetURL(url) | [source/edit] | Returns a url but caches the URL. |
caloPublic() | [source/edit/go] | CALO :: Cognitive Agent that Learns and Organizes |
chart(data) | [source/edit] | A render function that displays a chart of data (in progress) |
chartDemo(n) | [source/edit] | chartDemo returns several different examples of Chart Data, keyed by n=1,2,..5. For use with the chart() command. |
chartRender(charturl) | [source/edit] | Renders a chart URL as an image |
cleanUpString(str) | [source/edit] | Tranforms misc. HTML tags into spaces |
clearCache(func) | [source/edit] | Clears cached results for a function. |
collab(tagSearch) | [source/edit] | Search a specific Tag on CollaBlog |
countryInfo(country) | [source/edit] | Returns 2 and 3 letter country codes, phone code, and population |
deliciousPopular(tag) | [source/edit] | Finds popular items on delicious for a tag |
digg(term) | [source/edit] | Search Digg for specified term |
directions(fromAddr,toAddr) | [source/edit] | Return HTML of directions fromAddr toAddr |
dist(fromZip,toZip) | [source/edit] | Alias for "distance" |
distance(fromAddr,toAddr) | [source/edit] | Calculates the distance in miles fromAddr toAddr |
distanceRender(dist) | [source/edit] | Displays a message related to distance |
doit(user,query) | [source/edit] | Executes a query |
ebaySearch(item) | [source/edit] | eBay Search: look for item |
echo(input) | [source/edit] | A command to echo back the input argument - input: any input argument - returns: the input argument |
findBooksBy(author) | [source/edit] | A command to find books by an author -> Example input: author='Michael Dahl' |
findCheapestBook(topic) | [source/edit] | A command to find cheapest book for a topic -> finds ref:cheapest matching amazon book, returns detail page to it. -> Example input: topic='Harry Potter' |
findContactPage(organizat... | [source/edit] | A command to find contact page of an organization -> Example input: organization='stanford university' |
findMovieTheaters(zipcode) | [source/edit] | A command to find movie theaters for a zipcode -> look up theaters for zipcode from Yahoo. Returns list of words for each theater name. |
findPerDiem(year,city,state) | [source/edit] | A command to lookup the Per Diem rate for a year, a city, and a state - year (string): A year (e.g. 2007) - city (string): A city (e.g. Oakland) - state (string): A state (e.g. California) - returns (string): Per diem in dollars as an integer value |
findPhone(person) | [source/edit] | A command to find phone for someone |
findPhotos(term) | [source/edit] | A command to find photos for a term -> searches for images on Flickr -> Example inputs: term='flower' |
findPublications(project) | [source/edit] | A command to find publications for a project -> Example input: project='centibots' |
findWeather(zipcode) | [source/edit] | A command to find weather for a zipcode |
findWineRecommendation(fo... | [source/edit] | |
firstNameDescription(name) | [source/edit] | |
forecast5day(zip) | [source/edit] | Display five-day weather forecast (weatherunderground) |
freebase(query) | [source/edit] | Returns results from a Freebase MQL query in XML |
freebaseActor() | [source/edit/go] | |
freebaseMovies() | [source/edit/go] | |
freebaseMusicArtist() | [source/edit/go] | |
froogle(query) | [source/edit] | Searches Google's Froogle |
g(search) | [source/edit] | Calls Google's main search |
geocode(addr) | [source/edit] | Returns lat long results given an address string |
germanToEnglish(url) | [source/edit] | Do Google translation of specified URL |
getBabyNameInfo(name) | [source/edit] | |
getSFStationPartyInfo(url) | [source/edit] | Returns an information record given a URL to |
gim(search) | [source/edit] | Displays Google Images with search term |
google(search) | [source/edit] | Calls Google's main search |
googlePlace(addressOrPlace) | [source/edit] | |
groupIdeas() | [source/edit/go] | Thoughts about how groups should be implemented in WubHub. |
gs(search) | [source/edit] | Calls Google Scholar with the search term |
guessFoodClassification(d... | [source/edit] | |
howManyCommands() | [source/edit/go] | Counts the number of commands you can see. |
ideas() | [source/edit/go] | Contains a community-editable list of ideas and requests for improving WubHub. |
imdb(search) | [source/edit] | Search for an actor or movie in the Internet Movie DataBase. |
imdbMoviesCSV() | [source/edit/go] | Export movies in theaters as a CSV |
installWubHubInFirefox() | [source/edit/go] | |
instantAnswer(question) | [source/edit] | Calls Microsoft Live 2.0 Instant Answer API |
instantdomainsearch() | [source/edit/go] | Instant Domain Search |
levenshteinDistance(s,t) | [source/edit] | Informally, the Levenshtein distance between two words is the minimum number of single-character edits (insertion, deletion, substitution) required to change one word into the other. |
linklistRender(linklist) | [source/edit] | Renders a list of link objects [. link=.. title=.. .] |
lookupBabyNames(name,year... | [source/edit] | |
lsTIR() | [source/edit/go] | Return a list of functions created by tLID. |
lsTLID() | [source/edit/go] | Return a list of functions created by tLID. |
lsTLIDRender(data) | [source/edit] | Renders a list of TLID functions |
ltTLID() | [source/edit/go] | Return a list of ALL functions created by tLID, using flags to find them. |
luckySearch(term) | [source/edit] | A command to lucky search for a term -> search Google for a term, click the first result, return the page |
luckySearchUsingMslive(term) | [source/edit] | A command to lucky search for a term using MSLive -> Example input: term='Adam Cheyer' |
magicGuessCard() | [source/edit/go] | |
makeTicTacToeMove(board,t... | [source/edit] | Make a tic tac toe move. If playerMove specified, move that and then do a computer move. If playerMove = "?", just do computer move. If playerMove = nil, reset board. |
map(data) | [source/edit] | Display a map of a given address or coordinate point |
map2(data) | [source/edit] | Display a map of a given address or coordinate point |
mediaTime() | [source/edit/go] | Displays media time left for today/tomorrow |
mediaTimeChangeTime(cmd,d... | [source/edit] | Zero's out hours for that day, or converts TV time to Computer time |
mediaTimeData() | [source/edit/go] | Data about how much time is left today |
mediaTimeEliminateDay(day) | [source/edit] | Zero's out hours for that day |
mediaTimeStartStop(cmd,kind) | [source/edit] | Starts or stops the media timer |
mobilemap(data) | [source/edit] | Display a map of a given address or coordinate point |
mweb(word) | [source/edit] | Word definitions from dictionary at |
onelook(word) | [source/edit] | Look up specified word in Onelook (multiple dictionary search) |
opinions() | [source/edit/go] | Contains a community editable page for contributing opinions about WubHub |
opml() | [source/edit/go] | Outline Processor Markup Language (OPML) Standard |
parseAddress(addrStr) | [source/edit] | From a freeform address string, returns lat/long, street, city, zip using a free service from Yahoo |
parseAddress2(addrStr) | [source/edit] | From a freeform address string, returns lat/long, street, city, zip using a free service from Yahoo |
partyBonk(city) | [source/edit] | Plots a map with the events for city |
pdaDirections(fromAddr,to... | [source/edit] | Return HTML for directions fromAddr toAddr, suitable for PDA display |
play(music) | [source/edit] | A command to play some music -> input may be song name or artist, but must be in lowercase Requires tLID 0-1-7 -> Example input: music='ray charles' |
playTicTacToe() | [source/edit/go] | Plays tic tac toe. If no arguments, returns a new game. If one argument, new game of that level. If 2 arguments, send turnStr,gameStr representing player move and current game. |
popular() | [source/edit/go] | Lists functions in order of most popular, according to number of calls. |
popularRender(data) | [source/edit] | Render function for Popular command |
portrait() | [source/edit/go] | Portrait art tutorials-tips on how to draw faces and portraits - drawing lessons, color theory, sketching people |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Displays user profile |
programmableWeb() | [source/edit/go] | ProgrammableWeb: Mashups and the Web as Platform |
quotes() | [source/edit/go] | Quotes on the Web about WubHub |
readNewsIndex() | [source/edit/go] | |
refreshCache(func) | [source/edit] | Refreshes cached results for a function. |
rowRender(listlist) | [source/edit] | Render a lists of items in rows |
search(term) | [source/edit] | A command to search for a term -> Example input: term='SRI International' |
searchCodeProject(term) | [source/edit] | Search Code Project free source code and tutorials (.NET) |
searchGoogle(term) | [source/edit] | A command to search google for a term |
searchQuotations(query) | [source/edit] | |
seatguru() | [source/edit/go] | Welcome to SeatGuru! |
sfStationPartyLinks() | [source/edit/go] | |
slashsearch(term) | [source/edit] | Show recent slashdot posts containing specified term |
snipVideo(url,startSecs,e... | [source/edit] | Embeds a YouTube video from startSecs to endSecs |
soccerOnTV(country,team) | [source/edit] | Finds all North America TV telecasts for team from specified country. Example: soccerOnTV(Germany, Bayern) Note: Country name and team name should start with capital letters. |
soccertv(country) | [source/edit] | Lists upcoming telecasts in the US for teams from specified country. |
songSearch(song) | [source/edit] | Find any song for download |
speedTest() | [source/edit/go] | Speed Test |
split(input,split) | [source/edit] | A command to split an input into pieces using split chars - input (string): Any input string - split (string): Split characters - returns (string[]): Split list |
swik(searchStr) | [source/edit] | Searches SWiK. SWiK is a community driven resource for open source software. SWiK contains information and news about thousands of open source projects and people are constantly adding cool new stuff. |
ticker(name) | [source/edit] | Look up company stock symbol |
tlidReleaseNotes() | [source/edit/go] | Release notes for tlid |
tlidRender(data) | [source/edit] | A render function for results returned by functions created using tLID. |
tlidToDo() | [source/edit/go] | Lists bugs and features to add to tLID. |
toOPML(data) | [source/edit] | Converts data expressed in XOXO, XML, RSS, ATOM, or JSON and converts it to OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) |
toPage(str) | [source/edit] | |
translateToEnglish(webpag... | [source/edit] | A command to translate a webpage from a language to English -> Example input: webpage='' language='Italian' |
translateToFrench(term) | [source/edit] | A command to translate a term to French |
u(domain) | [source/edit] | Input a domain name. The fn fills in the rest, http, www, .com, etc. |
weather(zip) | [source/edit] | Returns weather object |
weatherRender(w) | [source/edit] | Formats weather results as a table |
webLToJSTranslationStatus() | [source/edit/go] | Describes Andreas' (un)successfully translated WebL functions to JS |
wikipedia(term) | [source/edit] | Search for a term on |
wolframAlpha(query) | [source/edit] | Call wolfram alpha with a query. By default, return a plaintext answer. |
wp(term) | [source/edit] | Alias for wikipedia(term), a search on |
yahooAnswers(question) | [source/edit] | Calls YahooAnswers to see if it can answer question |
yahooDirections(from,to) | [source/edit] | Shows Yahoo directions from 'fromAddr' to 'toAddr' |
yahooLocal(search,location) | [source/edit] | Looks up records that match search at location 'place', using Yahoo Local |
yahooLocalByDistance(sear... | [source/edit] | Looks up records that match search at location 'place', using Yahoo Local |
yahooLocalSearch(searchte... | [source/edit] | A command to find records that match searchterm at location 'place', using Yahoo Local - searchterm (string): Something to look for - location (string): An address - returns (string[]): List of results |
yahooWebCount(search) | [source/edit] | Find links to webpages matching 'search' |
yahooWebSearch(search) | [source/edit] | Find links to webpages matching 'search' |
yahoofinance(symbol) | [source/edit] | Stock quote information |
yfinance(symbol) | [source/edit] | Stock quote information |
youTube(video) | [source/edit] | Search Videos on YouTube Last Edit: April 28, 2007 From: Cataldo |
yubnub(cmd) | [source/edit] | |
Module: site | ||
about() | [source/edit/go] | The About page for Collaborama |
acheyerprofile() | [source/edit/go] | Displays Adam Cheyer's profile |
activityLogs() | [source/edit/go] | Displays an aggregated list of all activitylogs marked with an 'activitylog' flag. |
addCmdToPortal(portal) | [source/edit] | Brings up a form that lets you a portlet to a portal. |
addEntryToBlog(blogName) | [source/edit] | Adds an enty to a blog. |
advancedProgramming() | [source/edit/go] | Help on programming WubHub |
blog() | [source/edit/go] | A blog by the WubHub team |
blogItem(blogName,id) | [source/edit] | Displays a single blog entry, selected by BlogName and ID. |
blogToRSS(blogName) | [source/edit] | Converts blog-style data to an RSS feed |
blogs() | [source/edit/go] | Displays an aggregated list of all blogs marked with a 'blog' flag. |
bookmark(title,url) | [source/edit] | creates bookmark page given title and URL |
cmdlineRewrite(cmdline) | [source/edit] | Can perform cmdline rewriting. If rewrites commandline, returns new string, else returns nil. |
contact() | [source/edit/go] | Contact the developers |
copyModule(mod1,mod2) | [source/edit] | Copies all commands from module 1 to module 2. |
create() | [source/edit/go] | Creates a new WubHub function |
createGroup() | [source/edit/go] | Create a new WubHub group. |
delete(funcname) | [source/edit] | Deletes a WubHub command |
describe(func) | [source/edit] | Show description for a function |
edit(func) | [source/edit] | Edits an existing WubHub function |
examples() | [source/edit/go] | Example commands |
friends() | [source/edit/go] | Show community friends |
goUrl(url) | [source/edit] | Dispatches to a URL. Will add "http://" and will also add .com, .org, or .net if needed (tests for existance of site) |
groupInvite(groupName,num... | [source/edit] | The invite command will generate a signup invitation that can be given to a prospective WubHub member. The same invitation ID can be used numUses times before it expires. |
groupMembers(groupName) | [source/edit] | Returns the list of members for a group |
groupSignup(groupName) | [source/edit] | Sign up for a WubHub account |
groups() | [source/edit/go] | Lists all groups registered in WubHub |
help() | [source/edit/go] | Collaborama help |
home() | [source/edit/go] | Collaborama home page |
http(url) | [source/edit] | Returns "http:"+url as a string. Convenience function so don't have to quote urls |
https(url) | [source/edit] | Returns "https:"+url as a string. Convenience function so don't have to quote urls |
internalapi() | [source/edit/go] | A help file that lists the WubHub utility functions defined in a module "Wub". |
invite(numUses) | [source/edit] | The invite command will generate a signup invitation that can be given to a prospective WubHub member. The same invitation ID can be used numUses times before it expires. |
levyprofile() | [source/edit/go] | Displays user profile |
lm() | [source/edit/go] | Alias to "lsByModule" |
login() | [source/edit/go] | Log in to WubHub |
logout() | [source/edit/go] | Log out from WubHub |
ls() | [source/edit/go] | List all WubHub functions |
lsByModule(module) | [source/edit] | List all functions belonging to module |
lsByTag(tag) | [source/edit] | List all functions belonging to tag |
lt(tag) | [source/edit] | Alias to "lsByTag" |
members() | [source/edit/go] | Lists all WubHub members |
mygroups() | [source/edit/go] | Lists all groups you belong to |
newBlog(blogName) | [source/edit] | Creates a new blog named blogName |
newPortal(portalName) | [source/edit] | Creates a new portal that will contain multiple portlets, each displaying results of a WubHub function. |
path() | [source/edit/go] | Display modules for which you have read and write permission. |
permissions() | [source/edit/go] | Display modules for which you have read and write permission. |
privacypolicy() | [source/edit/go] | A page that describes WubHub's privacy policy. |
programming() | [source/edit/go] | Help on programming WubHub |
projects() | [source/edit/go] | Lists all projects registered in WubHub |
resetDefaultContent(dataF... | [source/edit] | Resets contents of "dataFunction" function to the default content, stored in 'dataFunction' + "Default" (e.g. resetDefaultContent(myPortletData) overwrites myPortletData with contents of myPortletDataDefault) |
runAllUnitTests() | [source/edit/go] | Runs all defined unit tests (marked with "test" tag) |
signup() | [source/edit/go] | Sign up for a WubHub account |
sitemessage(title,msg) | [source/edit] | Display a message |
source(func) | [source/edit] | An alias to 'view': shows source of WubHub function |
tags() | [source/edit/go] | Returns list of all tags and tagged functions. |
terms() | [source/edit/go] | These terms govern any code contributions you make to WubHub. |
tips() | [source/edit/go] | Some tips and tricks for using WubHub |
view(func) | [source/edit] | View source code for an existing WubHub function |
whatsnew() | [source/edit/go] | List recently created functions |
wubinfo() | [source/edit/go] | Show request and session info in "wubinfo" variable |
wubvars() | [source/edit/go] | Show "wubvars" session workspace |
Module: sandbox | ||
KnockKnockParse() | [source/edit/go] | |
activeStocks() | [source/edit/go] | A page containing an OPML file of interesting feeds to look at. |
analyzeReviews(url) | [source/edit] | |
binaryTags() | [source/edit/go] | |
binaryTagsRender(data) | [source/edit] | |
callZocDoc(specialty,zip,... | [source/edit] | |
callZocDocGetJSON(special... | [source/edit] | |
categoriesToCheck() | [source/edit/go] | Categories to lookup in yahooLocal |
checkFixedCard() | [source/edit/go] | |
cultureBonk(DesiredCityCode) | [source/edit] | Scrapes FlavorPill and associated Sources of Events in a PartyBonk manner. Chose City from sf, la, ldn, nyc, chi. |
defineBinaryTag(sourceTit... | [source/edit] | |
defineBinaryTagForm() | [source/edit/go] | |
demoOutline() | [source/edit/go] | |
displayBinaryTags() | [source/edit/go] | |
displayReviewAnalysis(data) | [source/edit] | |
displayTimeLine() | [source/edit/go] | This is a render function to display events on a timeline. |
displayTimeLine1() | [source/edit/go] | |
extendMetacritic(rssFeed) | [source/edit] | |
filterStocks(stocksCmd,ke... | [source/edit] | Returns RSS feed that filters a list of stocks (stocksCmd) by a list of keywords (keywordsCmd) |
fixCard(suit,number) | [source/edit] | |
getMedia(device) | [source/edit] | |
getMovieStruct(city) | [source/edit] | |
getPillEventDate(Link) | [source/edit] | |
getPillEventDescription(L... | [source/edit] | |
getPillEventLocation(Link) | [source/edit] | |
getPillEventTitle(Link) | [source/edit] | |
getPillItem(CurLink) | [source/edit] | |
getTargetPages(sourceTitl... | [source/edit] | |
gfAbout(coins) | [source/edit] | About/Welcome page for Rewards@Home screensaver |
gfAboutNoImages(coins) | [source/edit] | About/Welcome page for GF screensaver |
gfAboutNoRewards(coins) | [source/edit] | About/Welcome page for Rewards@Home screensaver |
gfBuyPoints(coins) | [source/edit] | |
gfCSS() | [source/edit/go] | CSS for GF screensaver pages |
gfClearStats() | [source/edit/go] | Erases GF statistics |
gfDefs(coins) | [source/edit] | Definition file for GF screensaver |
gfDefsNoImages(coins) | [source/edit] | Definition file for GF screensaver |
gfDefsNoRewards(coins) | [source/edit] | Definition file for GF screensaver - no rewards version |
gfDefsRef(coins,abnum) | [source/edit] | One level of indirection above gfDefs file, so can implement A/B testing, with different definitions for different user classes. |
gfDefsTest(coins) | [source/edit] | Definition file for GF screensaver |
gfDisplayStats() | [source/edit/go] | |
gfEnterInvitation(coins,e... | [source/edit] | Adds an invitation to an email |
gfEnterLottery(coins,emai... | [source/edit] | Enter a lottery |
gfEnterPrize(coins,email,... | [source/edit] | |
gfFaq(coins) | [source/edit] | |
gfFaqNoImages(coins) | [source/edit] | |
gfFaqNoRewards(coins) | [source/edit] | |
gfGetUserInfo(userId) | [source/edit] | Returns userInfo for given user id |
gfGifts(coins,reward) | [source/edit] | A gifts page |
gfImport(coins) | [source/edit] | Import friends from address book |
gfInviteFriends(coins,email) | [source/edit] | |
gfLoadContacts(coins,prov... | [source/edit] | |
gfLottery(coins) | [source/edit] | |
gfPrizes(coins) | [source/edit] | |
gfReportStats(user) | [source/edit] | Record statistics from a GF screensaver session |
gfRewards(coins,prize) | [source/edit] | Rewards page for GF ScreenSaver |
gfSetUserInfo(userId,info) | [source/edit] | Sets info value for userId |
incCounter() | [source/edit/go] | |
knockKnockJokes() | [source/edit/go] | |
knockKnockWho(who) | [source/edit] | |
knockKnockWhosThere() | [source/edit/go] | |
llm(prompt) | [source/edit] | Call an LLM version with a prompt. OPTIONAL_ARGS: model (gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4, gpt-4-turbo-preview), temperature (0.7), max_tokens (777) |
lookupYahooCategoryID(cats) | [source/edit] | |
mediaWall() | [source/edit/go] | |
metacriticReviews(movieNa... | [source/edit] | |
nasdaq100() | [source/edit/go] | OPML for the Nasdaq 100. |
notifyAz() | [source/edit/go] | |
ocrWebResults() | [source/edit/go] | Returns ocr recognition results from streaming CNN site. |
reflectiveFunctionInfoRet... | [source/edit] | returns the reflective function object for the given function |
resetBinaryTags() | [source/edit/go] | resets the binary tags object |
salientFeeds(list) | [source/edit] | Accepts a list of RSS feed urls and determines which items are of interest by scanning for simple keywords. Returns an RSS string made up of just the interesting items. |
saveBinaryRelationSourceO... | [source/edit] | Remembers a url/title combo and records it in the user space as srcOrTarget. |
searchZocDoc(specialty,zi... | [source/edit] | |
searchZocDocAppointments(... | [source/edit] | |
shareMedia(photosXml,dest... | [source/edit] | |
sourcePage() | [source/edit/go] | This is the source page for the binary linking app. |
targetPage() | [source/edit/go] | This is the target page for the binary linking app. |
test1() | [source/edit/go] | Trying GetURL |
test2() | [source/edit/go] | Testing exceptions |
test3() | [source/edit/go] | Testing wubvars |
testGoogleMovies() | [source/edit/go] | |
xmlRSS(opml) | [source/edit] | Accepts OPML, accessed either as a URL or a WubHub command name, and returns a list of urls that coming from the "xmlUrl" attributes set in the OPML. |
Module: siteutil | ||
GetURLFromURLFunction(url... | [source/edit] | Extracts out the result URL from a WubHub function of type "URL" |
accordionCSS() | [source/edit/go] | |
addCmdToPortalCmd(portal,... | [source/edit] | Function to add a new WubHub command portlet to a Portal |
addEntryToBlogCmd(title,b... | [source/edit] | Changes a blog entry. |
addToTrie(trie,term,dataT... | [source/edit] | Adds to an existing trie a string term with dataType=data as the terminator. |
basiccss() | [source/edit/go] | |
blogRender(data) | [source/edit] | Renders blog content. |
breakpoint(vars) | [source/edit] | To be inserted into code to test. Vars is the set of variables to debug. |
cd() | [source/edit/go] | If an arg is specified, sets as the current module. Otherwise, sets to user's module. |
collabSidebar() | [source/edit/go] | |
console() | [source/edit/go] | |
consoleCmd(input) | [source/edit] | |
createDeploymentConfig(fn... | [source/edit] | Starts from a command and determines all dependent flies. |
createIssue() | [source/edit/go] | Creates a new issue or function request |
createPresentation() | [source/edit/go] | Creates a new presentation |
dragableFramesCSS() | [source/edit/go] | A style sheet for dragable frames(AJAX portlet) |
dragableFramesJS() | [source/edit/go] | Javascript for dragable frames (AJAX Portlets) |
editFunction(name,readonl... | [source/edit] | Edits an existing WubHub function, or if name = "", creates a new function. If readonly is true, views existing function. Uses renderpage if specified |
fiddle(name) | [source/edit] | For an input argument "name", shows the CSS, JS, and HTML frames for it, plus the running combined frame. CSS and JS files should includes any dependent resources above "=====" in the file. |
formatNum(style,value) | [source/edit] | style = USD, Euro, int; value = float |
friendsRender(data) | [source/edit] | A render function for displaying friends |
getClass(className) | [source/edit] | Objects with the fieldname "extends" will be expanded to include fields from inherited objects (hierarchically). Returns nil if the className doesn't exist as a WubHub function, or if one of its inherited parents doesn't exist. |
getFuncInfo(f) | [source/edit] | Gets a funcInfo record; |
getSessionInfo(site,sessi... | [source/edit] | Retrieve saved user info from a session key |
getVaultValue(key) | [source/edit] | Looks up in the vault the value for a key |
groupProfileRender(profile) | [source/edit] | Render a user's profile |
groupinvitemsg(invitation... | [source/edit] | Displays invitation message for a group, given a new invitationid and groupname. |
groupsRender(groups) | [source/edit] | Render function to display groups |
importContacts(email,pw) | [source/edit] | Import contacts |
inspectBreakpoint() | [source/edit/go] | Interact with current breakpoint. Works with function "breakpoint" |
invitemsg(invitationid,jo... | [source/edit] | Displays invitation message, given a new invitationid. |
issues(module) | [source/edit] | Lists issues in a module. OPTIONAL ARGS may specify "all", or one of the categories "issueOpen", "issueInProgress", "issueFixed", "issueWontFix", "issueDuplicate", "issueCannotReproduce", "issueVerified", "issueClosed" |
jsonToWebL(js) | [source/edit] | Convert a JSON string toa WebL object, or return nil if syntax error |
listRender(data) | [source/edit] | Displays a list of results |
loadPage(pageFunction) | [source/edit] | Loads contents of pageFunction and returns it as a page |
lookupInTrie(trie,term,da... | [source/edit] | Returns Data if term is in trie, nil otherwise |
lsByTagRender(data) | [source/edit] | Render results of lsByTag |
lsRender(data) | [source/edit] | Formatting component of "ls" command |
membersRender(data) | [source/edit] | A render function for displaying members |
menyjs() | [source/edit/go] | |
newBlogCmd(title,blogName... | [source/edit] | Creates a new blog. |
newPortalCmd(title,name,d... | [source/edit] | Creates a new portal. |
permissionsRender(data) | [source/edit] | Render permissions lists |
picMembersRender(data) | [source/edit] | A render function for displaying members as pictures |
portalRenderDragableFrame... | [source/edit] | Portal renderer using AJAX dragable box "frames" |
portlet(cmd) | [source/edit] | Receives a list of commands to display and prepares for display in AJAX portlets. cmd may be actual data or a name of a function to call. |
presentationRender(slides) | [source/edit] | |
profileRender(profile) | [source/edit] | Render a user's profile |
renderAsXML(content,outer... | [source/edit] | Renders a list of objects (content) as (embeddable) XML |
renderIssue(snippet) | [source/edit] | |
renderIssues(issues) | [source/edit] | |
runFiddle(name) | [source/edit] | |
saveFunctionInfoUrl(finfo) | [source/edit] | Given function info structure, saves it. |
setVaultValue(key,value) | [source/edit] | Sets a value for a key in the vault. |
siteLogin(site,username,p... | [source/edit] | Login to a site. Return an error string, or "" if successful. |
siteLogout(site,key) | [source/edit] | Login to a site |
siteRegister(site,fullnam... | [source/edit] | Registers a new user for a site. Returns an error code if there is one. If successful, automatically logs a person in. |
siteUpdate(site,sessionke... | [source/edit] | Registers a new user for a site. OPTIONALARGS contain extra arg1, arg2, ... beyond core data |
sitebookmarkform(ctype,mo... | [source/edit] | Template form for bookmark edit page |
siteeditform(ctype,module... | [source/edit] | Template form for edit page |
siteeditissue(ctype,modul... | [source/edit] | Template form for editing issues. |
siteeditpage(ctype,module... | [source/edit] | Template form for edit page ScrollTo position sent in optional argument |
siteheader(logininfo) | [source/edit] | Header for site pages |
sitemessageref(msgid,arg) | [source/edit] | Display a system message, referenced by token |
sitepage(content) | [source/edit] | A basic web page, with Collaborama site layout, holding supplied content |
sitesystemmessage() | [source/edit/go] | This is a system message that is displayed at the top of every page. Useful for shutdown warnings, etc. |
siteviewform(ctype,module... | [source/edit] | Template form for view page |
tableRender(arg) | [source/edit] | Render contents as a table |
tagRender(data) | [source/edit] | Formatting component of "ls" command |
threeDcss() | [source/edit/go] | |
toJSON(data) | [source/edit] | Converts a data object into a JSON string. |
toJSONPC(data) | [source/edit] | Converts a data object into a JSON string for Perfect Cartoon |
toJSONPage(data) | [source/edit] | Converts a data object into a JSON string, and returns a page with the data. |
toJSONPage2(data) | [source/edit] | Converts a data object into a JSON string, and returns a page with the data. |
toXML(wrapper,data,options) | [source/edit] | Converts a data object into an XML string. Wrapper object will produce top level with fields as attributes, containing data object split using elements. |
viewFiddle(name) | [source/edit] | |
yahooLogin() | [source/edit/go] | Logs into Yahoo, allowing subsequent access to pages such as egroups, etc. (cookies saved in cookiedb by user). Set vault values for "yahooUserName" and "yahooPW". |
Module: tests | ||
testAcronym() | [source/edit/go] | Unit test for acronym() function |
testAlias() | [source/edit/go] | Tests the alias function, by making sure dist() and distance() return the same value. |
testAmazon() | [source/edit/go] | Unit test for function 'azn' Amazon book search |
testDistance() | [source/edit/go] | A unit test function for the distance command |
testGoogleScholar() | [source/edit/go] | Unit test function for Google Scholar (gs) command |
testURLFunction(funcname,... | [source/edit] | Tests WubHub functions of Page Type 'URL' by looking for a test string result |
testWikipedia() | [source/edit/go] | Unit test function for 'wikipedia' command |
Module: ajaxGroup | ||
ajaxGroup() | [source/edit/go] | Homepage for the ajaxGroup |
charter() | [source/edit/go] | Lists the charter of the ajaxGroup |
dragableBoxesCSS() | [source/edit/go] | A style sheet for dragable boxes (AJAX portlet) |
dragableBoxesJS() | [source/edit/go] | Javascript for arranging dragableBoxes (AJAX Portlets) |
groupBlog() | [source/edit/go] | This is a blog for discussing all sorts of issues relating to adding AJAX to WubHub. |
newPresentation() | [source/edit/go] | A presentation about AjaxGroup |
portletData() | [source/edit/go] | Commands to be arranged in a portlet on ajaxGroup's homepage (ajaxGroup.ajaxGroup) |
portletDataDefault() | [source/edit/go] | Commands to be arranged in a portlet on ajaxGroup's homepage (ajaxGroup.ajaxGroup) |
portletDesigns(designName) | [source/edit] | Switches the ajaxGroup homepage to use render function 'designName'. |
portletRenderBoxes(portle... | [source/edit] | AJAX portlet renderer, allows drag and drop arrangement. |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: ajaxGroup |
Module: geneticFinance | ||
README() | [source/edit/go] | |
createTrainingFile() | [source/edit/go] | |
cseInfo() | [source/edit/go] | |
fullPageRender(html) | [source/edit] | |
go() | [source/edit/go] | |
home() | [source/edit/go] | Home page for AI Genius |
indexNews() | [source/edit/go] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: geneticFinance |
scoreNews() | [source/edit/go] | |
scoreNewsItem(num,score,txt) | [source/edit] | Score a news item |
scoreNewsRender(data) | [source/edit] | |
searchDates(query,dates) | [source/edit] | Search for query from pages in dates |
stockChange() | [source/edit/go] | |
stockInfo() | [source/edit/go] | |
Module: jw | ||
addStory(name,addr,phone,... | [source/edit] | Save contact story |
blog() | [source/edit/go] | Blog page |
contact() | [source/edit/go] | contact page |
contentCmd(cmd,pos) | [source/edit] | Edits published content |
editContent() | [source/edit/go] | Form to edit content |
editItem(num,type,title,u... | [source/edit] | |
editItemForm(num) | [source/edit] | Edit a single item |
footer() | [source/edit/go] | Footer for jw site |
header(pageColor) | [source/edit] | Header for jw site |
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
homeOrig() | [source/edit/go] | |
initStories() | [source/edit/go] | Clears out the story database |
insertDynamicContent(pos) | [source/edit] | |
mystory() | [source/edit/go] | Mystory page |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: jw |
published() | [source/edit/go] | Published page |
publishedContent() | [source/edit/go] | List of publications to display in web page |
resume() | [source/edit/go] | Resume page |
rssStories() | [source/edit/go] | Emits stories as RSS feed |
stories() | [source/edit/go] | Return list of submitted stories. Optional arg can be an ID of a particular story. |
storyRender(stories) | [source/edit] | Render storys |
tbs() | [source/edit/go] | To be shared |
Module: sataire | ||
bio() | [source/edit/go] | Home page for |
contact() | [source/edit/go] | Home page for |
fillInTheBlanksMultipleCh... | [source/edit] | For a fill in the blanks question, chooses from among multiple answers |
fiveGramsAroundBlanks(que... | [source/edit] | Returns five-gram phrases around a blank, with choices filled in |
home() | [source/edit/go] | Home page for |
incCSS() | [source/edit/go] | (Shared) CSS for SkillsRank |
incFooter() | [source/edit/go] | (Shared) Footer for SkillsRank pages |
incHeader() | [source/edit/go] | (Shared) HTML header for SkillsRank |
incNav() | [source/edit/go] | Navigation links for |
incTop() | [source/edit/go] | (Shared) Top part of page for Sataire |
newPresentation() | [source/edit/go] | A presentation about Sataire |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: sataire |
readingTest() | [source/edit/go] | |
references() | [source/edit/go] | Home page for |
referencesQA() | [source/edit/go] | Home page for |
results() | [source/edit/go] | Home page for |
satQuestions() | [source/edit/go] | |
system() | [source/edit/go] | Home page for |
thesis() | [source/edit/go] | Home page for |
Module: aigenius | ||
home() | [source/edit/go] | Home page for AI Genius |
newPresentation() | [source/edit/go] | A presentation about Aigenius |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: aigenius |
stockChange() | [source/edit/go] | |
Module: greatest-at | ||
cmdGreatestAt(skill) | [source/edit] | Finds the person who is the greatest at a certain skill. |
greatestPerson(skill) | [source/edit] | |
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: greatest-at |
redirect(skill) | [source/edit] | |
Module: worst-at | ||
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: worst-at |
Module: noahGames | ||
aboutme() | [source/edit/go] | all about me |
chap2Age() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Age |
chap2Avoir() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Common Phrases |
chap2AvoirQuestions() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Avoir questions |
chap2Des() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Common Phrases |
chap2ERVerbs() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on ER Verbs |
chap2EtreAllerA() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on where you are |
chap2FaimSoif() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on hunger and thirst |
chap2FaireExpressions() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Common Phrases |
chap2MaMon() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Common Phrases |
chap2Nouns() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on various nouns |
chap2PossessiveAdjPl() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Common Phrases |
chap2Stores() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on various stores |
chap2TaTon() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Common Phrases |
chap2Weather() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Weather phrases |
chap2When() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on various times |
chap2professions() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on professions |
chap7thGradeVocab1() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Common Phrases |
chapAnimals() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Animals |
chapAnimalsGroup2() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Animals |
chapAtHome() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Home nouns |
chapAvoir() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Avoir (to have) examples |
chapAvoirExamples() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Avoir (to have) examples |
chapBody1() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on body parts |
chapBody2() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on body parts |
chapClothing1() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Clothes |
chapColors() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on colors |
chapCommonPhrases() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Common Phrases |
chapDaysOfTheWeek() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Days of the Week |
chapERVerbs1() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on ER Verbs |
chapERVerbs2() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on ER Verbs |
chapERVerbs3() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on ER Verbs |
chapEtre() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Etre (to be) |
chapEtreExamples() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Etre (to be): positive and negative examples |
chapFaire() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Faire (to make, to do) |
chapFaireExamples() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Faire (to make, to do) examples |
chapFamile() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Family |
chapFood1() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Food |
chapFood2() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Food |
chapMnemonicaTenCard() | [source/edit/go] | First ten cards in mnemonica series |
chapMnemonicaTwentyCard() | [source/edit/go] | First ten cards in mnemonica series |
chapMnemonicaTwentyNum() | [source/edit/go] | ten-20 cards in mnemonica series |
chapMnemonicabTenNum() | [source/edit/go] | First ten cards in mnemonica series |
chapMonthsAndSeasons() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Months and Seasons |
chapNumbers7090() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Numbers |
chapNumbersBig() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Numbers |
chapNumbersOnes() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Numbers |
chapNumbersTeens() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Numbers |
chapNumbersTens() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Numbers |
chapPronouns() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on Pronouns |
chapSchool1() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on School |
chapSchool2() | [source/edit/go] | Chapter on School |
chapSolution() | [source/edit/go] | Memorized deck: Card to Num |
chapSolution2() | [source/edit/go] | Memorized deck: Num to Card |
chapSolution3() | [source/edit/go] | Memorized deck: Num to Card HARD |
css() | [source/edit/go] | CSS style sheet |
footer() | [source/edit/go] | |
header() | [source/edit/go] | |
home() | [source/edit/go] | first page for noahgames |
lastRnd() | [source/edit/go] | Last random number |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: noahGames |
wordGame(name) | [source/edit] | plays a language learning game. name = player's name. |
wordGameChapSec(chapter,s... | [source/edit] | plays a game using vocab from chapter, section or "*" Name = player's name |
wordGameEnterName() | [source/edit/go] | Enter name of who's playing |
wordGameInfo() | [source/edit/go] | |
wordGameRender(piece) | [source/edit] | Template for Word Game |
wordGameScoreLine(chapter... | [source/edit] | |
wordGameScores() | [source/edit/go] | High scores |
wordGameScoresSave() | [source/edit/go] | High scores |
wordGameScoresSave2() | [source/edit/go] | High scores |
wordGameScoresSave3() | [source/edit/go] | High scores |
wordGameTestLine(chapter,... | [source/edit] | |
Module: openiris | ||
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: openiris |
Module: mapp | ||
about() | [source/edit/go] | About page for mappintosh |
auto(query) | [source/edit] | |
browse() | [source/edit/go] | Browse page for mappintosh |
css() | [source/edit/go] | CSS for mappintosh |
home() | [source/edit/go] | Home page for mappintosh |
incFooter() | [source/edit/go] | (Shared) Footer for Mappintosh pages |
incHeader() | [source/edit/go] | |
incTop(selected) | [source/edit] | (Shared) Top part of page for Mappintosh |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: mapp |
resultsRender(results) | [source/edit] | Home page for mappintosh |
rewriteQuery(q,dev) | [source/edit] | |
searchapps(query,device) | [source/edit] | Searches for apps using a query, limited to a device type. |
Module: muki | ||
css() | [source/edit/go] | CSS for muki's book |
footer() | [source/edit/go] | Footer for muk's book |
header() | [source/edit/go] | Header for jw site |
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: muki |
Module: anapvp | ||
about() | [source/edit/go] | Home page |
contact() | [source/edit/go] | Home page |
css() | [source/edit/go] | |
donate() | [source/edit/go] | Home page |
footer() | [source/edit/go] | |
forum() | [source/edit/go] | Forum page |
header(sel) | [source/edit] | Header info |
home() | [source/edit/go] | Home page |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: anapvp |
Module: collaborama | ||
COL1() | [source/edit/go] | Investigate CouchDB for distributed file store |
about() | [source/edit/go] | |
collaborama() | [source/edit/go] | |
demo() | [source/edit/go] | |
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
home2() | [source/edit/go] | |
marketplace() | [source/edit/go] | |
presentation() | [source/edit/go] | A presentation about Collaborama |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: collaborama |
siteeditpage(ctype,module... | [source/edit] | Template form for edit page |
sitepage(content) | [source/edit] | |
Module: perfectCartoon | ||
PER1() | [source/edit/go] | Data columns become shifted |
PER2() | [source/edit/go] | Option to open in same/new window |
PER3() | [source/edit/go] | Setting to enable/disable tooltip above cartoons |
PER4() | [source/edit/go] | Add parameter to hide "keep in same window" option |
PER5() | [source/edit/go] | Create Synonyms List for Categories |
PER6() | [source/edit/go] | Two Word Search Categories..and beyond. |
PER7() | [source/edit/go] | EXCLUSIVE CATEGORY SEARCH |
PER8() | [source/edit/go] | BITLY Replacement with original URL |
adminConsole() | [source/edit/go] | Commands to administer The Perfect Cartoon |
buildSearchEngine() | [source/edit/go] | Compile the exported dataset into a search index. |
cartoonDBSettings() | [source/edit/go] | DB for staging and production. TagSet for computing tag cloud. |
cartoonTopics() | [source/edit/go] | User interface for search results. Shows thumbnails, tag cloud, etc. |
cleanupDups() | [source/edit/go] | Remove any duplicate cartoons from the index |
convertBitlyUrls() | [source/edit/go] | Convert bitly links into regular links |
css() | [source/edit/go] | Style sheet for web interface |
embed(query) | [source/edit] | A minimized version of PerfectCartoon for embedding in another website |
generateCategories(txt) | [source/edit] | |
home() | [source/edit/go] | Homepage for cartoon search. |
home2() | [source/edit/go] | |
indexAuthorInfo() | [source/edit/go] | |
newDropBoxFile(filename) | [source/edit] | Save settings of new dropbox source file |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: perfectCartoon |
scrapeCartoons() | [source/edit/go] | Construct a sample dataset of cartoons by scraping CondenastStore. Try to guess categories by using keyword spotting. |
scrapeRobsCategories() | [source/edit/go] | Extract all the Perfect Cartoons on Rob's Google Doc pages |
scrapedCartoons() | [source/edit/go] | A sample dataset of cartoons scraped from CondenastStore. |
search() | [source/edit/go] | An API that will search for cartoons by author, keyword, or category and return results as JSON or as XML |
searchCartoons(query,capt... | [source/edit] | Search the cartoon database using tags (category filters) and a query string DB is passed as an option argument |
searchCartoonsRender(data) | [source/edit] | User interface for search results. Shows thumbnails, tag cloud, etc. |
searchCartoonsRenderNew(d... | [source/edit] | User interface for search results. Shows thumbnails, tag cloud, etc. |
searchCategory(cat) | [source/edit] | |
sitemap() | [source/edit/go] | Sitemap |
stagingBecomesProduction() | [source/edit/go] | |
test() | [source/edit/go] | |
testBuildSearchEngine() | [source/edit/go] | Compile the exported dataset into a search index. |
testCategories() | [source/edit/go] | |
testDocument() | [source/edit/go] | Test columns and do error reporting |
testScores() | [source/edit/go] | |
toggleCaptions() | [source/edit/go] | |
toggleManual() | [source/edit/go] | |
toggleRoamOver() | [source/edit/go] | |
Module: collabExt | ||
COL1() | [source/edit/go] | Investigate CouchDB for distributed file store |
COL2() | [source/edit/go] | Private resource, private module |
cmdChoosePerson(personId,... | [source/edit] | Votes that a person is good at skill |
cmdPersonProfile(id) | [source/edit] | Looks up a person's profile |
cmdRankSkill(skill) | [source/edit] | Chooses two people to rank using the specified skill. If empty, chooses a random skill to rank. |
cmdSearchByJob(title,jobD... | [source/edit] | Searches the resume db for people applicable to a specific Job |
cmdSearchResumes(keywords... | [source/edit] | Searches the resume db for specified keywords |
favoritePerson(personId) | [source/edit] | Remembers a favorite person |
incCSS() | [source/edit/go] | (Shared) CSS for SkillsRank |
incSidemenuSearch() | [source/edit/go] | Side menu for searching SkillsRank |
lookupPic(name) | [source/edit] | Lookup profile picture for person |
matchResults2(results) | [source/edit] | Format match results |
personProfile(person) | [source/edit] | Format person profile |
playSkillsrank() | [source/edit/go] | Play page for SkillsRank |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: collabExt |
removeFavorite(personId) | [source/edit] | Removes a favorite person |
searchByJob() | [source/edit/go] | Search for people related to a given Job |
searchPeople() | [source/edit/go] | Searching people using SkillsRank |
searchRender(content) | [source/edit] | Search page for SkillsRank |
searchResults(results) | [source/edit] | Format search results |
showFavorites() | [source/edit/go] | Display Favorites |
similarPerson(personId) | [source/edit] | Searches the resume db for people with similar skills to the specified person |
Module: activeai | ||
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
newPresentation() | [source/edit/go] | A presentation about Activeai |
presentation() | [source/edit/go] | A presentation about Activeai |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: activeai |
Module: skillsrank | ||
about() | [source/edit/go] | About page for SkillsRank |
cmdAddDerivedFields(person) | [source/edit] | Adds derived fields for a person. Currently: school-rank |
cmdAddEducationFields(per... | [source/edit] | Adds education scores for a person. Currently: eduScore, schoolScore, degreeScore |
cmdAddPerson(person,optim... | [source/edit] | Adds a person's resume info to resume database |
cmdChoosePerson(personId,... | [source/edit] | Votes that a person is good at skill |
cmdChooseRankSet() | [source/edit/go] | Finds a set of people to rank according to a skill. If skill (optionally) passed in, only finds results for that skill. |
cmdGetConnections() | [source/edit/go] | Adds all connections for a user to the resume database |
cmdGetJobSalaries() | [source/edit/go] | Retrieve list of jobs and average salary ranges |
cmdGetProfile() | [source/edit/go] | |
cmdGetSchoolRankings() | [source/edit/go] | Retrieve list of best colleges |
cmdInitResumeDB() | [source/edit/go] | |
cmdParseObject(src,topEle... | [source/edit] | Given an XML string, returns a list of all topElements parsed one level. |
cmdPersonProfile(id) | [source/edit] | Looks up a person's profile |
cmdQueryConnections() | [source/edit/go] | |
cmdRankSkill(skill) | [source/edit] | Chooses two people to rank using the specified skill. If empty, chooses a random skill to rank. |
cmdRecordVote(index,perso... | [source/edit] | Adds a vote to index |
cmdSearchByJob(title,jobD... | [source/edit] | Searches the resume db for people applicable to a specific Job |
cmdSearchResumes(keywords... | [source/edit] | Searches the resume db for specified keywords |
cmdSelectClass(isActive,c... | [source/edit] | Checks attribute match and returns appropriate class attribute |
contact() | [source/edit/go] | Contact page for SkillsRank |
dataSalaryList() | [source/edit/go] | Records high, median, and low salaries for each job position. |
dataSkillsList() | [source/edit/go] | A list of skill-related terms |
favoritePerson(personId) | [source/edit] | Remembers a favorite person |
getConnections() | [source/edit/go] | |
getProfile() | [source/edit/go] | |
home() | [source/edit/go] | Home page for SkillsRank |
incBottom() | [source/edit/go] | (Shared) Bottom part of SkillsRank pages |
incCSS() | [source/edit/go] | (Shared) CSS for SkillsRank |
incFooter() | [source/edit/go] | (Shared) Footer for SkillsRank pages |
incHeader() | [source/edit/go] | (Shared) HTML header for SkillsRank |
incHeaderYUI() | [source/edit/go] | (Shared) HTML header for SkillsRank |
incSidemenuNavSite(selected) | [source/edit] | Side menu for home page of SkillsRank |
incSidemenuSearch() | [source/edit/go] | Side menu for searching SkillsRank |
incTop(selected) | [source/edit] | (Shared) Top part of page for SkillsRank |
login() | [source/edit/go] | Login page for SkillsRank |
matchResults(results) | [source/edit] | Format match results |
matchResults2(results) | [source/edit] | Format match results |
msg(msgid) | [source/edit] | Display a system message for SkillsRank |
oauthLinkedIn() | [source/edit/go] | Page to authenticate a user against LinkedIn |
oauthValidated() | [source/edit/go] | Receives validation token from LinkedIn |
personProfile(person) | [source/edit] | Format person profile |
play() | [source/edit/go] | Play page for SkillsRank |
privacy() | [source/edit/go] | Privacy policy for SkillsRank |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: skillsrank |
removeFavorite(personId) | [source/edit] | Removes a favorite person |
search() | [source/edit/go] | Search page for SkillsRank |
searchByJob() | [source/edit/go] | Search for people related to a given Job |
searchResults(results) | [source/edit] | Format search results |
showFavorites() | [source/edit/go] | Display Favorites |
similarPerson(personId) | [source/edit] | Searches the resume db for people with similar skills to the specified person |
t() | [source/edit/go] | |
t2(query) | [source/edit] | |
t3() | [source/edit/go] | |
terms() | [source/edit/go] | Terms of use for SkillsRank |
Module: xac | ||
about() | [source/edit/go] | |
adventures() | [source/edit/go] | |
calendar() | [source/edit/go] | |
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
pioneers() | [source/edit/go] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: xac |
styleCSS() | [source/edit/go] | |
Module: tester | ||
newPresentation() | [source/edit/go] | A presentation about Tester |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: tester |
Module: magicparties | ||
configure(sessionkey,mess... | [source/edit] | |
email(name,email,subject,... | [source/edit] | |
getConfigInfo(sessionkey) | [source/edit] | |
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: magicparties |
registerError(err) | [source/edit] | |
sendEmail(to,subj,body) | [source/edit] | |
viv() | [source/edit/go] | OPTIONALARGS: sessionkey, message |
wwcs() | [source/edit/go] | |
Module: maybeathome | ||
about() | [source/edit/go] | |
about2() | [source/edit/go] | |
addListing(sessionkey,typ... | [source/edit] | Add a new listing |
advisors() | [source/edit/go] | |
advisors2() | [source/edit/go] | |
autocomplete() | [source/edit/go] | |
blogIdVerify() | [source/edit/go] | |
blogSecureTransactions() | [source/edit/go] | |
buy() | [source/edit/go] | OPTIONALARGS: Key, Message |
buy2() | [source/edit/go] | OPTIONALARGS: Key, Message |
clear() | [source/edit/go] | |
clearMessages() | [source/edit/go] | |
comingSoon() | [source/edit/go] | |
company() | [source/edit/go] | |
company2() | [source/edit/go] | |
contact() | [source/edit/go] | |
contact2() | [source/edit/go] | |
demo() | [source/edit/go] | |
estimate() | [source/edit/go] | Optional Args: 0: message, 1:sessionkey, 2:type, 3:address, 4:price, 5:size, 6:lotSize, 7;beds, 8:baths, 9:features, 10:description |
estimate2() | [source/edit/go] | Optional Args: 0: message, 1:sessionkey, 2:type, 3:address, 4:price, 5:size, 6:lotSize, 7;beds, 8:baths, 9:features, 10:description |
finance() | [source/edit/go] | |
finance2() | [source/edit/go] | |
footer(page) | [source/edit] | OPTIONALARGS -- 0: sessionkey (nil to expire) |
header(page) | [source/edit] | Sessionkey can be sent in as first optional argument |
home() | [source/edit/go] | 0: sessionkey |
jobs() | [source/edit/go] | |
jobs2() | [source/edit/go] | |
login() | [source/edit/go] | OPTIONALARGS -- 0: Message |
noAccess() | [source/edit/go] | OPTIONALARGS -- 0: Message |
partners() | [source/edit/go] | |
partners2() | [source/edit/go] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: maybeathome |
quality() | [source/edit/go] | |
quality2() | [source/edit/go] | |
registerError(err) | [source/edit] | |
registerSuccess() | [source/edit/go] | |
results(properties) | [source/edit] | [sessionkey = 0, msg = 1, type = 2, address = 3, price = 4, beds = 5, baths = 6, rooms = 7, size = 8, lotSize = 9, features = 10, description = 11] |
searchProperties(sessionk... | [source/edit] | Searches for properties matching criteria |
sell() | [source/edit/go] | Optional Args: 0: message, 1:sessionkey, 2:type, 3:address, 4:price, 5:size, 6:lotSize, 7;beds, 8:baths, 9:features, 10:description |
sell2() | [source/edit/go] | Optional Args: 0: message, 1:sessionkey, 2:type, 3:address, 4:price, 5:size, 6:lotSize, 7;beds, 8:baths, 9:features, 10:description |
sellerHome() | [source/edit/go] | Returns homepage for a seller |
siteLogin(pw,errCmd,succCmd) | [source/edit] | Login to a site |
team() | [source/edit/go] | |
team3() | [source/edit/go] | |
terms() | [source/edit/go] | |
text() | [source/edit/go] | |
todo() | [source/edit/go] | |
updateError(err) | [source/edit] | |
userprofile() | [source/edit/go] | OPTIONALARGS 0: error message, 1:key |
whosWorking() | [source/edit/go] | |
zillowEstimate(address) | [source/edit] | Uses Zillow to get a property estimate |
Module: adam | ||
adamawards() | [source/edit/go] | |
awards() | [source/edit/go] | |
boards() | [source/edit/go] | |
h() | [source/edit/go] | |
headshots() | [source/edit/go] | |
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
home2() | [source/edit/go] | |
homeOld() | [source/edit/go] | |
photos() | [source/edit/go] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: adam |
test() | [source/edit/go] | |
test2() | [source/edit/go] | Testing exceptions |
videoForNoah() | [source/edit/go] | |
Module: temp2 | ||
newPresentation() | [source/edit/go] | A presentation about Temp2 |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: temp2 |
Module: feelingofwonder | ||
home() | [source/edit/go] | Home page |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: feelingofwonder |
Module: gameplanner | ||
Module: demovate | ||
DEM1() | [source/edit/go] | Reddit style discussion forum |
demPrez() | [source/edit/go] | A presentation about Demovate |
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: demovate |
Module: theo | ||
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: theo |
Module: wwcs | ||
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
mail(name,email,subject,m... | [source/edit] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: wwcs |
Module: demavu | ||
addRecord(server,category... | [source/edit] | |
analytics() | [source/edit/go] | |
api(server) | [source/edit] | |
characters(character) | [source/edit] | |
cleanRecord(printOrDelete) | [source/edit] | Takes the OPT fields and removes all records that match. Use with caution! |
companies(company) | [source/edit] | |
copyDB(from,to) | [source/edit] | |
createDB(server) | [source/edit] | |
data(companyID) | [source/edit] | Data for the games |
data2(server) | [source/edit] | Data for the games |
data3() | [source/edit/go] | |
data4() | [source/edit/go] | |
footer() | [source/edit/go] | |
games(game) | [source/edit] | |
getConfigVar(server,varName) | [source/edit] | |
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
intents(intent) | [source/edit] | |
interactions(interaction) | [source/edit] | |
outputs(output) | [source/edit] | |
printDB() | [source/edit/go] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: demavu |
removeRecord(server,categ... | [source/edit] | |
restoreBackup(unusedArg) | [source/edit] | Putting an unused Arg just to see if that stops web crawlers from running this command. |
scenes(scene) | [source/edit] | |
setConfigVar(server,varNa... | [source/edit] | |
t(server,id) | [source/edit] | |
tests() | [source/edit/go] | |
todo() | [source/edit/go] | |
top() | [source/edit/go] | |
updateRecord(server,path,... | [source/edit] | |
Module: sportstreak | ||
api() | [source/edit/go] | OPTIONALARGS: date, round Returns date, question, player1 name, player 1 image, player 1 ref page, player 1 stat value, player2 name, player 2 image, player 2 ref page, player 2 stat value, delta between stat1 and stat2 (0 is very similar, 100 is very different), winner. |
chooseRound(Players,stat,... | [source/edit] | Choose two random players to compare on stat. As round gets higher, the challenge should get harder, namely the two stat values are closer together. |
dataTop75() | [source/edit/go] | |
errcmd(message) | [source/edit] | |
getPlayerData() | [source/edit/go] | |
getRandom(dt,max) | [source/edit] | Given a date as a seed, return a list of MAX random numbers from 0 to 10000. Uses caching to return results for the date. |
getSessionData(key) | [source/edit] | |
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
home2() | [source/edit/go] | |
login() | [source/edit/go] | If args passed in as OPTIONALARGS, try to login with them |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: sportstreak |
pyramid(blockCount) | [source/edit] | |
register() | [source/edit/go] | If args passed in as OPTIONALARGS, try to register with them |
share(info) | [source/edit] | |
signup() | [source/edit/go] | |
test() | [source/edit/go] | |
test2() | [source/edit/go] | |
updateSessionData(session... | [source/edit] | |
Module: avokai | ||
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: avokai |
Module: speakaboutai | ||
codeToCopy() | [source/edit/go] | This shows the code to copy into the website, when tags or speakers are updated. |
deleteSpeaker(name,areYou... | [source/edit] | |
editSpeaker(speakerName) | [source/edit] | |
home() | [source/edit/go] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: speakaboutai |
search() | [source/edit/go] | |
searchHistory() | [source/edit/go] | |
searchHistoryRender(history) | [source/edit] | |
searchtools() | [source/edit/go] | |
speakerslist() | [source/edit/go] | |
tagslist() | [source/edit/go] | |
updateSpeaker(name,url,im... | [source/edit] | |
Module: games52 | ||
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: games52 |
Module: graffiti | ||
cCmd(input) | [source/edit] | Handle all the console commands |
gData() | [source/edit/go] | |
mainLoop() | [source/edit/go] | |
profile() | [source/edit/go] | Profile of group: graffiti |