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								<h1>"Absolutely Magical!"</h1>
								<p><b>Bring a spark of magic to your event</b></p>
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								<h1>"Positively Perplexing"</h1>
								<p><b>Our magicians can entertain in any environment</b></p>
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                            <h2>Rick Seedman</h2>
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                            <p class="subtitle">Card Mechanic</p>
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                                        <p>For backstory, I’ve been passionate about health and fitness since I was a child. 
                                          I’ve been working in the fitness industry since even before finishing high school. 
                                          Starting out leading fitness programs at summer camps, then teaching classes in martial arts schools and
                                          performing on demonstration teams. I’ve taught my calisthenics workshops all across Europe, have competed in
                                          Eastern Europe, and led retreats in Costa Rica. So I’ve been around the block in my multiple decades 
                                          of being in my field.</p>
                                        <p>But little did I know the direction of my life would change quickly and drastically after catching 
                                          just a short news clip of the legendary card mechanic Richard Turner. I connected to his message and 
                                          his level of dedication and hard work. I immediately picked up the cards and started practicing. 
                                          With the help of my friends I built a card table and card room and haven’t missed a single day of 
                                          practice since.</p>
                                      <p>After years of daily practice, I finally met Rick Turner in person, and he took me under his wing,
                                         helping me refine my technique and teaching me secrets he learned and extended upon from some of the greatest
                                         card mechanics of the last century, including Dai Vernon and Charlie Miller.</p>
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                                <h2>The Show</h2>
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                                <p class="subtitle">Rick Seedman's Wild West Card Show</p>
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                          <h3>A night of good old-fashioned entertainment from the past.</h3>
						  <p>Take a journey back to the Wild West to learn about card and gambling history 
                                          as well as marvel at a performance of sleight of hand at the card table!</p>

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						  <p>The show can be tailored for your specific needs! Whether it’s for family parties or corporate events, for virtual or live audiences, Rick’s got you covered. The show can be presented in various lengths, from 10 minutes to a full 40 minute performance.</p>

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                                        <h4>Riverboat Shows</h4>
                                        <!-- p>Both kids and adults will be entranced by the amazicraziness of what's happening during
                                           your birthday party magic show.  Assisted by numerous volunteers from the audience, your
                                           magician will make the experience extra magical for the Birthday Boy or Girl.
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                                        <h4>Family Parties</h4>
                                        <!-- p>Our magicians have entertained at private parties of more than 200 guests, featuring many of
                                           Silicon Valley's technology elite.  Using a parlor magic or strolling style, we can bring
                                           many moments of amazement to your party-goers.</p -->
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                                        <h4>Virtual Magic</h4>
                                        <!-- p>We can do walk-around or street-style magic at any event, informally approaching groups of guests at your event
                                           to add a spark of fun and amazement.</p -->
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                                        <h4>Corporate Events</h4>
                                        <!-- p>Our magicians can provide the entertainment for crowds who have seen it all.  If you want something different
                                           for your corporate event, look no farther than</p -->
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                                        <p>"“Incredible! Rick's insane technical skill with cards will simply blow your mind! This experience gets my highest recommendation!"</p>
                                        <footer><cite title="Source Title" style="color:black;font-size:medium;">ADAM CHEYER - Creator of Siri</cite>
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                                        <p>"Rick’s Wild West Card Show made my spine tingle with disbelief and forced my head to buzz joyfully with incredulous wonder!"</p>
                                        <footer><cite title="Source Title" style="color:black;">MARCUS BOTTAY - World Record Holder</cite></footer>
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                                        <p>"Rick Seedman’s show is great fun for the whole family. His relaxed manor belies his total mastery of cheating with cards."</p>
                                        <footer><cite title="Source Title" style="color:black;">ELON DERSHOWITZ - Television Producer</cite></footer>
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                                        <p>"I love excellence and truly admire perfection. The end was ridiculous..."</p>
                                        <footer><cite title="Source Title" style="color:black;">MARTINA NAVRATILOVA - World #1 in Tennis</cite></footer>

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                  <h4>Select Clients</h4>

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                                    <h3>Contact Rick</h3>
                                    <p>Interested in having a show at your business, party or even online event? It’ll be a blast! I’m in the Savannah, Georgia area, but can easily travel.</p>
                                    <p>Interested in learning the craft? Whether you want to learn to shuffle, cut, and deal like a true croupier, or you’re interested in the sleight of hand used at the card table, book a lesson with me!</p>
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                                  <p>Please send us an email to <a href=""></a>
                                     or fill out the form below:<p>
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