Source: lsByTag [edit]

Functions for ''

   gfAboutNoRewards(coins) [source/edit]   About/Welcome page for Rewards@Home screensaver
   gfFaq(coins) [source/edit]   
   filterStocks(stocksCmd,ke... [source/edit]   Returns RSS feed that filters a list of stocks (stocksCmd) by a list of keywords (keywordsCmd)
   gfEnterLottery(coins,emai... [source/edit]   Enter a lottery
   gfDisplayStats() [source/edit/go]   
   gfFaqNoImages(coins) [source/edit]   
   gfLottery(coins) [source/edit]   
   gfFaqNoRewards(coins) [source/edit]   
   gfEnterPrize(coins,email,... [source/edit]   
   gfInviteFriends(coins,email) [source/edit]   
   gfRewards(coins,prize) [source/edit]   Rewards page for GF ScreenSaver
   gfGifts(coins,reward) [source/edit]   A gifts page
   gfImport(coins) [source/edit]   Import friends from address book
   gfDefsNoRewards(coins) [source/edit]   Definition file for GF screensaver - no rewards version
   gfDefs(coins) [source/edit]   Definition file for GF screensaver
   gfBuyPoints(coins) [source/edit]   
   gfAbout(coins) [source/edit]   About/Welcome page for Rewards@Home screensaver
   gfPrizes(coins) [source/edit]   
   gfClearStats() [source/edit/go]   Erases GF statistics
   gfEnterInvitation(coins,e... [source/edit]   Adds an invitation to an email
   gfDefsNoImages(coins) [source/edit]   Definition file for GF screensaver
   xmlRSS(opml) [source/edit]   Accepts OPML, accessed either as a URL or a WubHub command name, and returns a list of urls that coming from the "xmlUrl" attributes set in the OPML.
   gfReportStats(user) [source/edit]   Record statistics from a GF screensaver session
   nasdaq100() [source/edit/go]   OPML for the Nasdaq 100.
   activeStocks() [source/edit/go]   A page containing an OPML file of interesting feeds to look at.
   gfAboutNoImages(coins) [source/edit]   About/Welcome page for GF screensaver
   gfCSS() [source/edit/go]   CSS for GF screensaver pages
   salientFeeds(list) [source/edit]   Accepts a list of RSS feed urls and determines which items are of interest by scanning for simple keywords. Returns an RSS string made up of just the interesting items.
   gfDefsRef(coins,abnum) [source/edit]   One level of indirection above gfDefs file, so can implement A/B testing, with different definitions for different user classes.
   gfLoadContacts(coins,prov... [source/edit]   
   gfDefsTest(coins) [source/edit]   Definition file for GF screensaver